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Happy New Year students and parents!

Casa (Primary) Program
Ages 3 – 6 years


Elementary Program
Ages 6 – 10 years

P.T. Montessori School is a private school that offers a Primary (Casa) program from ages 3 – 6 at our Toronto location. Our school offers an Elementary program from ages 6 – 10. It is located in the Black Creek and Lawrence area and is easily accessible by the T.T.C.

Our classrooms are designed to meet the needs of the child at different stages of development. Every classroom is fully equipped with the didactic Montessori material prescribed by the A.M.I. (Association Montessori Internationale). This prepared environment offers the child the opportunity to develop independence, self-esteem and confidence in their growing abilities.

P.T. Montessori School’s teaching staff is A.M.I. trained and dedicated to adhering to the Montessori philosophy. The school runs through the academic year (September-June) and offers before and after school programs, as well as a summer program, which starts at the third week of June through the last week of July. We are closed for the month of August. However, if you would like to contact us during the month of August, please do so via e-mail ptmontessori@bellnet.ca.

Although it is our belief that Montessori Education is beneficial for all children, Dr. Montessori’s educational philosophy is often misinterpreted. Our goal is to provide honest and accurate information to enable parents to choose the education that is best suited to their children and family.

We invite you to browse our website and take a closer look at our unique school community.